Dear Elliott,
I’m a leader managing a team with several Gen Z employees, and I’ve been running into some frustrations. They bring a fresh perspective, which I appreciate, but their approach to work seems very different from what I’m used to. They challenge traditional ways of doing things, prioritize work-life balance to an extreme, and at times, seem impatient for results or promotions. It’s hard to figure out how to keep them engaged while maintaining the high standards and work ethic I expect from the team. How can I manage these generational differences without losing my sanity?
-Frustrated with Gen Z
Dear Frustrated with Gen Z,
It sounds like you’re navigating the kind of generational tension many leaders are facing these days. Gen Z has brought some big shifts in workplace expectations, and it can be challenging to reconcile those with more traditional approaches. But before frustration takes over, let’s break down some key insights that can help bridge the gap.
1. Understand Their Values
Gen Z has grown up in a world where technology, transparency, and social causes are central. They value flexibility, inclusivity, and work that aligns with their personal values. That’s why they might push back on traditional structures or seem disengaged with tasks they don’t see as meaningful. It’s not necessarily a lack of work ethic—it’s a demand for work that feels purposeful. Understanding this can help you connect with them on a deeper level and show that their contributions matter.
2. Balance Autonomy with Guidance
Gen Z tends to be very entrepreneurial and independent. They’re accustomed to figuring things out quickly thanks to the digital resources at their fingertips. However, they still need guidance—just not micromanagement. Offer them autonomy to solve problems in their own way, but check in regularly to provide support and direction. This balance can help avoid both under- and over-management, which is where frustration often arises.
3. Communicate Expectations Clearly
One of the reasons you may be feeling frustrated is that Gen Z workers have a different timeline in mind. They often want quick results, fast promotions, and immediate feedback. Setting clear expectations around timelines for development, growth opportunities, and performance standards can help realign their expectations. They may be eager for rapid progress, but clarity on what that path looks like can help manage both their ambitions and your team’s needs.
4. Embrace Their Desire for Feedback
Unlike previous generations, Gen Z thrives on regular feedback and communication. Annual performance reviews aren’t enough—they want ongoing, real-time input. This might feel like a lot at first, but it’s an opportunity to build stronger relationships and steer them in the right direction before issues escalate.
5. Meet Them Halfway on Flexibility
Work-life balance is non-negotiable for many Gen Z workers, and they value flexibility over rigid office hours or traditional career paths. While this might be frustrating, especially if it feels like they’re prioritizing their personal life over work commitments, see if there are ways to introduce flexibility without sacrificing productivity. A hybrid work schedule or flexible hours might actually lead to better results if it keeps them engaged.
6. Challenge Them with Purposeful Work
Gen Z is mission-driven. If they feel like their work doesn’t align with their personal values or lacks a greater purpose, they can become disengaged. Find ways to tie their tasks to larger organizational goals, social impact, or personal growth. When they see that what they’re doing contributes to something meaningful, they’re more likely to stay motivated and committed.
Final Thought: Working with Gen Z might feel like a frustrating shift from what you’re used to, but they bring incredible strengths to the table—creativity, adaptability, and a fresh perspective on the future of work. By understanding their values and providing both the structure and flexibility they crave, you can harness that energy to create a high-performing, engaged team.
Hang in there! You might just find that their differences become the strengths that push your team to new heights.
Warmly,ElliottChief Morale Officer at Break the Norm Leadership